Interim Management in the USA

Our Interim Management consists in engaging experienced and qualified professionals to perform executive functions with effective leadership and accountability in client organizations, often at C-level, to manage transitional situations such as startups, reorganizations, restructuring, transformation, acquisitions, sales, integrations, crises, or simply temporary executive replacements (eg. maternity or health leave).

Our US Interim Manager has strong C-Level experience AND is permanent resident in the US. He has strong EU/US skills.


The team at BusinessForensics consists of consultants, architects and developers and has been offering  know-how for monitoring and managing compliance and integrity risks since few years, amongst which are financial and economic crime risks. So as partners, we can keep crime, abuse and coincidence away from their clients.


Protecting companies from business risks, statutory violations and damages from both external parties and its own employees has become an issue of growing importance. On the one hand, ever more complex regulations, the internationalization of supplier and sales markets and the penetration of IT into all areas of business activity have contributed to establishing a continual state of danger. On the other hand, company managements have been saddled with greater personal liability and prosecutions by the authorities have steadily intensified.

We support company managements and supervisory organs in defending against risks and resolving incidents.